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Learn how to live the transformation you seek.

All you need is safety, science & a touch of the sacred.

The million dollar question is: Are you ready?

Stela Murrizi looking into the camera, inviting you to live differently.

Living life the same way you’ve been living will give you more of the life you’ve got.

This is not bad or wrong; It is simply a matter of how’s that working for you? 

If it’s not working so well … 

The time has come to awaken to your own potential & design your life, with intention.

Despite what you might believe, the power to create your meaningful life lives only within you.  But in order for you to discover how powerful you are, you must be willing to explore how else you might come to know yourself. 

Who you have been is not who you are capable of becoming.

Let’s stop pretending — the past does not hold the answers to your future.

Discover the path that will compel you to transcend your perceived limitations and intentionally create your meaningful life. 

Truth is: You already have all the answers you are seeking within you. 

All you have to do is discover them…

Our work together will help you evolve into your highest potential.

Create internal safety

Discover how to feel safe in your own skin so you become willing to trust the messages of your body.

  • Our work together will show you what gets in the way of you feeling safe and how to engage your moment to create safety.

Develop self trust

The quantum sciences have been instrumental in showing us how living from potential is the key to our evolution.

  • In our work together you will discover a new scientifically backed process & framework to help you shape your world. 

Transcend your limitations

Discover what lives in the gap between what you intellectually know and how you live.

  • Become the sacred I AM as a lived experience.

Our work together is not just about solving your problem

– it is about transforming the quality of your life and how you relate to yourself.

In that, you will find what you are looking for …

How to unveil the answers that already exist within you

Stela looking at camera inviting you to choose tranformation.

Meet your guide, Stela Murrizi

You need someone on your side who understands that you are not broken or in need of fixing.

In my 37 years of life on this planet, I have lived through what feels like multiple lives. So I know what expansion is possible for you because I live it.

After years of searching and feeling disempowered no matter what I tried, I finally discovered a process that compelled me to take ownership of my life. Fact is— I am the expert of my own life. And I live from it

Because this isn’t about how your life looks – it’s about how you feel being you, inside your skin. 

There exists a powerful process that allows you to create your meaningful life your way.

All you have to do is become adept at allowing the body to lead as you discover the power that comes from knowing your Self intimately.

When human beings have a reliable, predictable and replicable process to engage in the tough moments of deep uncertainty and frustration, they become more able to embrace transformation as a way of life.

This is why instead of public policy, I have pursued a professional career facilitating WEL-Systems based experiences that result in profound, generative and transformational change.

My work combines physics and metaphysics, the sacred and the secular, to reunite body, mind and Spirit for a formula of how to create an intentional (magical) life! 

... in other words, this works because it is highly practical.

Self-Directed Resources

aka: from the comfort of your home

Discover an alternative where fear dissipates. Educate yourself to an alternative. Everything you’ve learned has led you to this point: the time has now come to explore how else you might get to know yourSelf. Brand new here? Start with these free self-directed resources. 

Gateways to the creation of your meaningful & intentional life…

One-on-One Coaching

This is the place to explore how this coaching process works. Delve into conversation with me and dare to transform intentionally. Discover how safety is an inside job.

Group Conversations

This is where you shed layers of cultural conditioning. Discover how safe you are in being yourself as you speak your truth in the good company of other women seeking evolution by intention. Free yourself from the constraints of that which does not belong to you — you are never alone.

  • I no longer wanted quick fixes that provided short-term relief. I was seeking true transformation—something with a greater impact. After just a few months of engaging with the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge, my life has exploded with clarity and alignment. AND, I wanted more. With Stela as my coach and context leader, I trusted the entire process and allowed my true Self to emerge. It felt incredible! After this immersive experience, I felt my consciousness expand beyond what I had imagined...

    Celine Burlock

  • Stela is a brilliant leader. She shows up in the full immensity of her whole self and is so committed to living this process as she gets curious about her own life and her own inner world. She models it out loud and shares from that place as she educates on a very beautiful way to move through a chaotic world.

    a deeply concerned mother

  • Stela is committed to your evolution as she is her own. She will go as far as you are willing, and may even push the edges a bit to places you did not believe possible and, of course, they are. Stela is smart, brave, and devoted to this body of knowledge as a way to live. She has the technical knowledge and confidence to notice, invite, challenge, and hold firm in conversations that may be intense, but lead to great revelations and shifts in perspective. I am good at lying to myself. Stela challenges what feels ‘off’ to her and holds space for me to own my stories and choose: run the pattern or live differently? I trust Stela to hold the highest level conversations and the tough conversations, if needed, to invite everyone to reclaim their own divine selves.

    Jennifer Hatt

  • Stela is simply extraordinary as a coach. She is the godForce embodied, wisdom, calm, ultimate generosity and intelligence speaking to, and uncovering that place in me. She is that self realized and courageous soul that dares to see your truth call you up on it. There are no words to express my gratitude and knowing Stela. I know she can hold me in complete safety and take me where I want to go.

    Randi White

  • During the coaching and the everyday messages through Telegram I have evolved so much. I can now say that I am the godForce and that itself says so much about the impact Stela’s coaching has had on me. I have come to understand how listening to my body and breathing gives me insights of my truth, and helps me speak with clarity and courage. There is so much more layers I have begun to see and most beautifully integrate instead of pushing it out or stuffing it in.

    Neetha Mary

  • Stela sees and challenges my BS. I know 'not now' very well. Now, I see and hear myself more often. In fact, I cannot NOT see myself anymore …

    Claudine Loiselle


To discover your adaptation strategy growing up

The results of this quiz are not who you are — they simply reveal the survival strategy you picked up on growing up. Find out what that is by taking the short quiz below…

Answer intuitively which is MOST likely to be your response, remembering, of course, all meaning is context dependent!

Little girl taking photo; monkey see, monkey do.


My most cherished pieces…

01 —

How CODE Model Coaching transforms lives

“I am the first of my long line ancestors afforded the freedom to be able to choose, to create my life in whichever way it is meaningful for me in each unfolding moment. What a gift I have given mySelf — one I am eternally grateful for and intend to honour, as if my life depends on it, because it does.” 

02 —

Dear Declan: A love letter to my son

“I am choosing to write these letters and post them publicly because I know I am not alone in what I see unfolding “out there”. I know I am not the only mother who is deeply concerned. And… I know that I choose not to hide in the closet, pretending, because there is no power there.”

03 —

Transcending A Life of Mediocrity

“What else is possible when you embrace the fundamental lie that plagues our global cultural beliefs? Everything is peachy out there and if you feel anything but numb to all the (utterly indisputable) bullshit, then there’s something wrong with you.”

04 —

How this process changes lives

“Today, I know well that the past does not serve me. It helped shape me, it has provided me with an opportunity to learn more about myself, and it does not define me. I know, with every single breath, I can choose choices that serve me, as I am, in this moment.”

Unsure of where to next?

Book an explorative call.